viernes, junio 25, 2010

Clixsense agrega Alertpay como medio de pago

Me da gusto que Clixsense agregue Alertpay como medio de pago. Anteriormente el único medio de pago internacional que manejaban era enviar cheques por correo. Esto representaba algunos problemas. En primer lugar, había una comisión por enviar el cheque ($2 USD,) también había que juntar una cantidad suficente para que valiera la pena cobrar un cheque, digamos $50 USD. El cheque llegaba 30 días después de ser solicitado y cobrarlo en México tomaba 6 semanas. Con una opción de pago electrónico, como Alertpay, los pagos pueden ser inmediatos y sin comisiones ni intermediarios como los cheques.

De acuerdo al FAQ los pagos se realizan el 10 de cada mes. Así que espero poder publicar una prueba de pago en el mes de julio. A continuación, el comunicado.

Dear ClixSense Member,

We are pleased to announce that we have just completed the integration of Alertpay as a form of payout. You may now select to receive your monthly payout with Alertpay or continue to receive your payout by checks.

If you wish to continue to receive your payout by check, you need to do nothing as your account will default to this setting. If you wish to receive your payout by Alertpay, please do the following:

Login to your ClixSense account and on the left menu click the Details link. Then scroll down to where it says Payment Details and enter your
AlertPay email address and you may also set your payment threshold there as well. Your payout threshold ranges from $10 to $500.

Don't have an alertpay account but want to get your funds instantly when we send them? You can signup for Alertpay

We want to thank you for your continued support in helping to make ClixSense one of the best PTC sites on the internet. We also want to remind you to promote your affiliate link so that you can earn more. Remember for each person you bring to ClixSense, you earn referral commissions.
Your affiliate URL is:

Thank you
The ClixSense Team

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